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Scopes of Practice for
Specialized Regulatory Professional Positions

Establishing Accountability & Enforcing Scopes of Practice for Specialized Regulatory Professional Positions in the Body Altering Aesthetics Industry

The initiative aims to establish clear Scopes of Practice for specialized regulatory positions in the Body Altering Aesthetics industry, addressing the surge in professionals offering diverse services and the need for differentiation from existing regulatory fields. In defining these scopes, we aim to reduce confusion, misinformation, and instances of professionals operating beyond their designated roles, ensuring adherence to industry-specific standards and protocols.

Our Mission

Through the implementation of these Scopes of Practice, professionals will gain clarity on their qualifications and responsibilities, enhancing accountability and transparency in the industry. Additionally, these defined scopes will improve communication between professionals, clients, and regulatory bodies, fostering a safer and more effective healthcare environment. Collaboration with regulatory agencies, professional associations, and educational institutions will be crucial to support this initiative.

Objectives of Initiative 5

Implement and enforce existing Scopes of Practice for specialized regulatory professional positions within the Body Altering Aesthetics (BAA) industry, including iMedics, PostOp-Indur Clinicians, Body Contouring Therapists, CSL Specialists, BAA Masters, Plastic Surgery Wound Care Specialists, and Doyennes.
Develop strategies and protocols to ensure compliance with established Scopes of Practice, including regular monitoring, audits, and enforcement mechanisms.
Collaborate with regulatory bodies, professional associations, and educational institutions to raise awareness and promote adherence to the Scopes of Practice among industry stakeholders.
Provide resources and support for professionals seeking to align their practice with the defined standards and requirements of their respective roles.
Establish channels for reporting and addressing violations of the Scopes of Practice, including investigations, disciplinary actions, and sanctions for non-compliance.
Enhance communication and coordination among regulatory agencies, healthcare providers, and other stakeholders to streamline enforcement efforts and maximize impact.


Review existing Scopes of Practice for specialized regulatory professional positions in the Body Altering Aesthetics industry to ensure clarity, relevance, and consistency.

Develop educational materials, guidelines, and training programs to help professionals understand and comply with the requirements of their respective roles.

Conduct outreach and engagement activities to inform industry stakeholders about the importance of adhering to Scopes of Practice and the potential consequences of non-compliance.

Establish a reporting system for identifying and documenting violations of the Scopes of Practice, including anonymous reporting options for whistleblowers and concerned individuals.

Implement procedures for investigating reported violations, including gathering evidence, conducting interviews, and evaluating compliance with established standards.

Take appropriate enforcement actions against individuals or entities found to be in violation of the Scopes of Practice, including warnings, fines, license revocations, and legal proceedings if necessary.

Provide opportunities for remediation and corrective action for professionals seeking to address deficiencies in their practice and regain compliance with the Scopes of Practice.

Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of enforcement efforts, including tracking compliance rates, assessing outcomes, and soliciting feedback from stakeholders for continuous improvement.